Basic Bot Commands


8Ask 8 ball a question
chooseChooses between multiple choices.
flipFlips a coin… or a user.
hugBecause everyone likes hugs
lmgtfyCreates a lmgtfy link
pollStarts/stops a poll
rollRolls random number (between 1 and user choice)
rpsPlay rock paper scissors
serverinfoShows server’s informations
stopwatchStarts/stops stopwatch
urbanUrban Dictionary search
userinfoShows users’s informations


gifRetrieves first search result from giphy
gifrRetrieves a random gif from a giphy search
imgurRetrieves a picture from imgur


!help: Have the bot send you all the commands available on the server

!help [command name]: Get help with a specific command. e.g. !help userinfo will provide help information on how to use the !userinfo command.


Some commands have subcommands, which is the second word you type after the main command. For example:


Clash Royale Global 200 data.

  cardnames   Display valid card names and abbreviations.
  cards       List popular cards.
  decks       List popular decks.
  leaderboard List decks sorted by rank.
  search      Search decks on the Global 200.
  similar     Find similar decks with specific deck or rank on leaderboard.

Type !crdata command for more info on a command.
You can also type !crdata category for more info on a category.
  • crdata is the command name.
  • cardnames, cards, decks… are the subcommands for the crdata command.
  • When the help told you to type !crdata command for more info on a command, it means that if you type !crdata search or !crdata similar you will see more info about that command.
Last Updated: 10/13/2020, 2:39:46 PM
Contributors: smlbiobot