Deck Builder (!deck)

The !deck command helps you organize your Clash Royale decks.

Displaying a deck

Create an image of the deck with the 8 cards followed by a name surrounded in quotes. If no name is entered, the deck will be named simply as Deck.

!deck get 3M knight log pump miner ig is skeletons "3M Cycle"

Getting a deck

Saving a deck

Using the !deck get command will only display the deck. To actually save the deck to your personal collection, use the !deck add command.

!deck add 3M knight log pump miner ig is skeletons "3M Cycle"

Adding a deck

As a default, you can store up to 5 decks in your personal collection on each server, but this setting can be changed by the admin (TODO).

Listing saved decks

To display your stored decks, use the !deck list command.

!deck list

Deck List output

Listing saved decks by another user

To list the decks added by another user, add that as the last parameter.

!deck list @6John

Deck list another user

Renaming a deck

To rename a deck, you must know the deck_id, which is the number associated with a deck when you run the !deck list command. Multi-word names with spaces should be surrounded in quotes.

!deck rename 1 "3M Minions Cycle

Renaming decks

Search for a deck

You can search for decks with a specifc card.

!deck search bandit

Deck search bandit

You can search for multiple cards by adding more cards to your command.

!deck search giant gy

Deck search giant graveyard

Search results are paginated as lists of 3. To continue to see results, type y before the timeout. Timeout is set to 15 seconds by default, but can be changed by server admin (TODO).

Acceptable card names

!deck cards will list all the acceptable card names and abbreviations.

Deck cards


You can also use !deck without any subcommand to see the built-in list of acceptable subcommands.


Last Updated:
Contributors: smlbiobot