Benefits of joining RoyaleAPI

𝟭. Be a part of a clan family that’s very successful on the global ladder. Our top 3 clans (Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie) are all in the Global Top 200 with Alpha finishing top 20 each season and Bravo top 100.

𝟮. We have a very active Discord server that you will share with 400+ members of RoyaleAPI — most of which are better than you & me will ever be, so you can take advantage of:

  • Tips from #strategy channel.
  • See 12-win GC decks that our members have used in #decks channel (so we at least have a chance).
  • Use #bot-commands to search top decks.

Of those three items, you can only take advantage of the 3rd on (#bot-commands) as a visitor to our family.

𝟯. The people in RoyaleAPI are F***ING AWESOME!

  • Get to know them in #family-chat and #discordgram
  • Dive into certain topics you’re interested in like our #food where we share recipes, etc.
  • Rant your hearts out in #rant

𝟰. Being around other people that are pushing themselves to be better at this game makes you better at the game. As you get better, you would want to push to Golf, Foxtrot, Echo, Delta, etc. — it’s a form of progressive advancement that Clash Royale doesn't have through achievements.

  • Bonus: if you are active here and you are a decent person to hang around, plenty of people will jump in and help you out!

đťź±. You get access to our #tournaments channel where we share passwords to tournaments. From there, take part in trying out for our competitive teams, cheer on the friends you made in #family-chat, and watch Woody hit some news, brews, and queues with us from time to time at !

Last Updated:
Contributors: smlbiobot