
Moderators on the server have the MOD role. They can run some additional commands.


aliasManage per-server aliases for commands.
banBans user and deletes last X days worth of messages.
blacklistBans user from using the bot
cleanupDeletes messages.
customcomCustom commands management.
editroleEdits roles settings
filterAdds/removes words from filter
ignoreAdds servers/channels to ignorelist
kickKicks user.
modsetManages server administration settings.
muteMutes user in the channel/server
namesShow previous names/nicknames of a user
reasonLets you specify a reason for mod-log’s cases
renameChanges user’s nickname
softbanKicks the user, deleting 1 day worth of messages.
toggleroleToggle roles. Read how to set settings.
unignoreRemoves servers/channels from ignorelist
unmuteUnmutes user in the channel/server
whitelistUsers who will be able to use the bot

Official Red Docs

There are not that many custom written mod-only commands on the RoyaleAPI server. As such, you can additionally consult the Red Docs: Commandsopen in new window for moderator-specific documenation.

Last Updated:
Contributors: smlbiobot