Clash Royale Data

Real-time data from the Global 200 Leaderboard. Data updated hourly.

cardsPopular cards ordered by usage
decksCards decks ordered by usage
leaderboardLeaderboard ordered by rank
searchSearch decks by card inclusion, exclusion and elixir range
SimilarSimilarity search

!crdata vs !crdatae

!crdata and !crdatae are sister commands. !crdata will display 3 decks at a time while !crdatae will display 10 decks on each page. The main difference is that !crdata will show a single image which you can save to your device while !crdatae displays the deck results as emojis so they load faster.


To see the leaderboard ordered by rank:

!crdata leaderboard

!crdata lb


To see popular decks ordered by usage:

!crdata decks


To see popular cards ordered by usage:

!crdata cards

To search decks on the leaderboard ordered by rank:

!crdata search hogone card
!crdata search hog log barrelmultiple cards
!crdata search hog log -barrelmultiple cards and exclude some cards
!crdata search hog is elixir=0-3multiple cards with elixir range
!crdata search 3m hog -br elixir=2-4Find 3M Hog decks without battle ram between 2 and 4 elixir

Similar decks

Find similar decks by supplying a list of cards:

!crdata similar hog log barrel gg skarmy princess it knight

Find decks that are similar to the 2nd deck on Global 200 leaderboard:

!crdata similar 2

Last Updated:
Contributors: SML, smlbiobot